The concept behind pris was future meets film in a world that is more desolate than now. I made the clothing out of recycled sweaters and metal fencing and screen. A little bit awkward and a little bit comfortable. The inspiration for this started for my love of the movie Bladerunner. I love how that movie is about our potential future with our love of technology with the age old search for your maker, sometimes aka god. Also, how in this future some things are way advanced but some are behind, or broken down. But, value on real is more important then ever. I decided to mix soft textures with hard, new with old, big with small, and as always repurposing what I can. Sewing sweaters for summer weather, and making sweater pants, out of classic warm and cozy sweaters. Transitioning from one season to the next. Using fencing and screen for skirts and corsets. In honor of spring and the love of a screened in porch and fixing the yard up for summer. The hair has classic shapes taken on new form with alien like proportions. The make-up inspired by Pris of Bladerunner of course! Both a little rough and a little hand done and homemade as if they had done it themselves, indicating self-reliance.
hair and make-up concept by me
hair concept for stephen and adrean by chloe klein
hair and makeup execution by us all at voodoo hair lounge
photographs by caroline treadway